Tokyo Revengers is a thrilling anime series that blends action, drama, and time travel. The story follows Takemichi Hanagaki, a young man who discovers he can travel back in time to his high school days. Determined to save his ex-girlfriend and change the tragic fates of his friends, Takemichi dives into the world of street gangs, uncovering mysteries and forging intense rivalries. Packed with emotional moments and intense battles, Tokyo Revengers is a tale of redemption, friendship, and second chances.
The Tokyo Manji Gang (Toman) is a fictional delinquent gang from the manga and anime Tokyo Revengers by Ken Wakui. Formed by a group of close friends, Toman embodies a sense of loyalty, camaraderie, and the desire to protect one another. The gang is known for its strong moral code, fighting prowess, and influence over Tokyo's delinquent circles. Its symbol, the manji (卍), represents strength and good fortune, reflecting the gang's ideals. Under the leadership of the charismatic and powerful Manjirō "Mikey" Sano, Toman strives to create a better world for delinquents while grappling with conflicts, betrayals, and rival gangs.
Valhalla, known as the "Headless Angel" gang, is a powerful and chaotic delinquent group in Tokyo Revengers. Despite appearing leaderless, it is secretly controlled by the manipulative Tetta Kisaki. With over 450 members, including key fighters like Shuji Hanma and Kazutora Hanemiya, Valhalla is a major rival to the Tokyo Manji Gang (Toman), representing a force of chaos and brutality in the delinquent world.
Black Dragon is a legendary delinquent gang in Tokyo Revengers, known for its long history, ruthless members, and immense influence in Tokyo. Renowned for its strength and aggression, the gang has undergone various leadership changes, often clashing with the Tokyo Manji Gang (Toman). Its conflicts with Toman play a pivotal role in the story, highlighting its reputation as a formidable and dangerous group.
Tenjiku is a powerful delinquent gang based in Yokohama and one of the most dangerous adversaries in Tokyo Revengers. The gang is led by Izana Kurokawa, with Tetta Kisaki acting as his strategist. Tenjiku is known for its ruthless members and its goal of dismantling the Tokyo Manji Gang (Toman) to establish dominance in the delinquent world. Its name means "Heaven’s Territory," symbolizing the gang's lofty ambitions and brutal strength.
Bonten is a powerful and ruthless criminal organization in Tokyo Revengers, led by Mikey (Manjiro Sano) in a dark alternate future. The gang is made up of high-level figures with a complex, brutal hierarchy. Unlike the traditional gangs of the past, Bonten operates more like a mafia, involved in various illegal activities, including violence, extortion, and other underworld dealings. It serves as a direct contrast to the earlier ideals of Tokyo Manji Gang (Toman), with Mikey’s descent into darkness being a central theme.